Supersymmetric Gauge Theories - 1
(w/ Abhishek Chowdhury and Timm Wrase @ TU Vienna)
Organizational information
Every Wednesdays, starting 04-October-2017, at 16:00 Hrs at the SEM-138A Freihaus 7th Floor.
Please contact Abhiram in case of further information or clarifications.
- N = 2, d = 4 supersymmetric gauge theories
- Seiberg-Witten theory and exact solutions
- Four manifold invariants
- Dualities in various dimensions
- 6d N = (2,0) superconformal field theories
A good grasp of quantum field theory, differential geometry and supersymmetry is required for this course. Knowledge of conformal field theory is beneficial.List of talks/lectures
04.10.2017: Organizational meeting + Introduction to supersymmetry - Abhiram Kidambi
11.10.2017: Non-perturbative aspects of QFT - Florian Hechenberger
18.10.2017: N=2 actions - Christoph Roupec
25.10.2017: N=2 actions + Twisted N=2 theory - Abhiram Kidambi
01.11.2017: All Souls Day, holiday
08.11.2017: Exact solutions to N=2 SU(2) gauge theory - Timm Wrase
15.11.2017: Nekrasov PF and Instanton Counting - Andreas Banlaki (St. Leopold day, still a working day. Change of time and location: Start at 15:00 sharp, Freihaus, Seminarraum 03 Stock, Gelb)
22.11.2017: 4-manifold invariants - Frederic Brunner
29.11.2017: 4-manifold invariants - Frederic Brunner
06.12.2017: Dualities in supersymmetric field theories - Abhishek Chowdhury
13.12.2017: Argyres-Douglas theory - Abhishek Chowdhury
20.12.2017: AGT correspondence and 2d/4d duality - Abhishek Chowdhury
10.01.2018: 6d (2,0) SCFT -I - Marcus Sperling
17.01.2018: 6d (2,0) SCFT -II - Johanna Knapp
12.02.2018: Seiberg like dualities and their string origin I- Abhiram Kidambi
14.02.2018: Seiberg like dualities and their string origin II - Abhiram Kidambi (Canceled)
The main literature for this course will be the book by Yuji Tachikawa titled N=2 dynamics for pedestrians. We will use this book as a skeleton and, as and when required, go over a few topics in more detail. The topics on wall crossing and geometric Langlands are not discussed in the book by Tachikawa and therefore, we have listed a few resources below. The extra references are to be used to supplement the book and are meant to be a further resource which one can consult for clarifications.Extra references
For beginning (N=2) gauge theory and non-perturbative physics
Seiberg-Witten theory
Four manifold invariants
\(\mathcal{N} = 1\) Dualities
6d (2,0) SCFT
Text books
- Geometry, Topology and Physics by Nakahara
- Aspects of Symmetry by Sidney Coleman
- Gauge Theory and Variational Principles by David Bleecker
- Supersymmetry and Supergravity by Wess and Bagger
Video lectures
- PiTP Princeton 2010 (almost all of the topics we will go over in this course are covered fantastically by the experts and developers of said theories.)
Lighter reading (but still quite technical)
- The Dawning of Gauge Theory by Lochlainn O'Raifeartaigh