
Here are a list of courses that I have taught or will teach in the future.

Current Courses


Past Courses

  1. Arithmetic geometry of Feynman integrals (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences and U. Leipzig, WiSe 2024-25)
  2. Computational Number Theory - I (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences and U. Leipzig, WiSe 2024-25)
  3. Automorphic forms and L-functions (Erwin Schroedinger Institute, Vienna) (Spring 2024)
  4. Advanced course on black holes (Hannover) (Summer 2022)
  5. Supersymmetric gauge theories - 2 (TU Wien) (Winter 2017-2018)
  6. Supersymmetric gauge theories - 1 (TU Wien) (Summer 2017)
  7. Number theory and quantum black holes (TU Wien) (Internal lectures, Spring 2017)
  8. Supersymmetry and Supergravity (Tutor to Prof. Peter van Nieuwenhuizen, Winter 2016)