Projects & Code

Current collaborations

Links will be available closer to project completion/upon submission.

  1. Construction of high dimensional lattice error correction codes over \(\mathbb F_3\)
  2. Packages for p-adic and quasimodular forms
  3. Sato-Tate distributions for higher dimensional abelian varieties
  4. Computing automorphic forms over abelian varieties
  5. The Calabi-Yau Arithmetic Database: If you would like to submit code or contribute, send me an email!


  1. Pari/GP package to compute coefficients of holomorphic Siegel modular forms
  2. Pari/GP package to compute murmurations of elliptic curves
  3. Collection of useful(for me) bash scripts

Side burner projects

  1. Learning Lean and Coq
  2. Foundations of mathematics, especially HoTT à la Voevodsky
  3. Solving Project Euler. Similar to project euler, here are a few more coding/problem solving challenges.
  4. \(\lambda\)-calculus and programming Turing machines

I am a huge fan of projects like Infinitely Large Napkin, and the Stacks Project.